
The Wheel

offene Mischung zwischen E-/ und U- Musik aus Luzern, seit 1997



The Wheel has 360 degrees, so I’m composing 360 songs. For twenty-eight years I’m learning the skills I need to do that. First I’m recording at home, except the drums, that job does a mate of my school, where I‘m studying vocals till January 2012. I send the songs by email, to the drumer he records his magnetic strips and sents me back them after. Then I import it into my project.
To put in some more colours, I arrange notes for one up to three strings. I’m learning English by reading books while I’m travelling by train, up to ten hours a week or by looking films. I want to distribue the 360 Songs on 21 Albums. For the first one it took me a long, long time, 27 years in fact. Then all my learning since my birth flew into it. After my exams in January I will finish the preproduction and in (...) Mehr anzeigen summer 2012 my second one will be released. For all songs on the second album I will create a video as well. From 2012 it should be possible for me, to bring almost every year an album out. Because I can handle these instruments now. Or at least enough for what it’s needed…don’t have to do thousands of takes to achieve a good one anymore. I don’t care about marketing and concerts. I don’t mind money. I can teach for a living. Indeed I really like teaching. It gives me a got feeling, there’s no one around telling me how to do anything. I would also give concerts, but I applied for every Suisse openair 2011 but they all refused me, these suckers. It’s my nature, if somebody refuses me, I don’t need it to be told twice. And all those clubs around, I also applied for giggs, don‘t mind them either anymore. I just want to make art, for sharing it, there’s still the internet. Besides, moving in and out all that heavy stuff it’s not funny. And the sound of giggs in the last league I had to play…! It’s a mess. So I found my thing: sitting a lifetime in my room, my own world where time doesn’t exist and no interruption takes place.

I move in four main directions: north is mystic and dreaming, south is groovy and insubordinate, east is rocky an aggressive and west are longing life-told-tales.

The 360 songs should all be unique, sometimes they can be a little similar to each other. I can manage that, cause I’ve got the urge to create and I’m stubborn and persevering.

inspiration I take from:

storms, mystical landscapes, animals, the music always runing in my head, the woods, the whispering around me which I hear sometimes when I’m alone, the death, time, GOD, some human beeings, fury, wrath, rage, sadness, angryness, happyness, joy, diseases, wars, nature catastrophes Weniger anzeigen


Christian Ladner

Sänger, Gitarrist


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