
in process

If it moves and grooves, make ya' smile and wets yer undies .. it's us aus München, seit 1823


Need young-looking/thinking independent female singer-musician as main member of new revamped band earlier signed with major label. To be seen by large audiences as example of one who's happily escaped the "Matrix" of historically destructive human values and behavior (vs those of almost every other sentient animal on the planet). Need strong rhythmic sense and low register Contralto voice, sing with no vibrato, fairly attractive, charismatic, Enlightened, aware and sensitive but NOT controlled by her feelings and emotions.

These are very rare in this or any other time, why we have had to reject so many very interested would-be members. Of course need not be a saint ... but who a real saint might appreciate and like.

We have some great new music in popular mostly danceable genres incl. R (...) Mehr anzeigennB, with many songs taken for unheard Beatle songs ... a usefully lucky accident for likely hits.

Email performance files and links, recent onstage pics plus bio. Weniger anzeigen


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