
Berlin Black Women (BBW) group

Veranstalter, gegründet 2016
Neukölln, 12055 Berlin

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Berlin Black Women (BBW) - Worum es bei uns geht?

This group was created in 2016 with the aspiration to bring Afro women living in Berlin together, so that they support each other and have fun. Today the BBW group is a strong networking platform for Afro women from Berlin and beyond. Diverse monthly events are organised: networking, meet-and greet, excursions, workshops, presentations, seminars etc.

The BBW hosts presentation events that enable its members and guest speakers to present themselves, their art, their skills and projects (research projects, business projects, initiatives etc.) not only to other BBW members but also to a wider audience. Some of our BBW presentation events are supported by the State of Berlin and therefore, are advertised on its network.

Interested contribu (...) Mehr anzeigentors should contact the Head of the BBW group. Weniger anzeigen


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