Human Abyss


10178 Berlin

Anzeige von Human Abyss (Atmospheric blackend death metal aus Berlin), veröffentlicht am 31. Juli 2023


Rubrik: Band sucht Bassist/in
Genre: Metal
Anspruch: Ambitioniert
Skill: Fortgeschritten
Songmaterial: vorhanden
Proberaum: vorhanden
Kontaktaufnahme Kontaktaufnahme


Human Abyss plays nasty fast blackened death metal and looking for new people on bass (f/m/d).
Rehearsal near S-Bhf Baumschulenstrasse , 1-2/week.

2nd album release planned 01/24 You don´t have to record this parts :)

Hobby band, but ambitious with goals like album and live playing.
We want to have fun with you. Community is important. Fast melodic black death metal is the direction. You want to be on stage!
Please ask directly with previous works. Please ask for further questions, contact [at] humanabyss.de

Human Abyss spielt fiesen schnellen blackened death metal und suchen neuen Menschen am Bass (w/m/d). Probe nähe S-Bhf Baumschulenstrasse
2.Album release geplant 01/24
Hobbyband, aber ambitioniert mit Zielen wie Album und Live.
Eigenständigkeit, Zuhause üben ist wichtig. (...) Mehr anzeigen
Wir wollen Spass mit dir haben.Gemeinschaft ist wichtig. Schneller melodic black death metal ist die Richtung.
Du willst auf die Bühne. Anfragen bitte gern direkt mit bisherigen Werken. Bei weiteren Fragen, einfach fragen :)
contact [at] humanabyss.de Weniger anzeigen


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HUMAN ABYSS is an atmospheric death metal band with black metal elements
founded in Berlin 2019. HUMAN ABYSS is propably the first interfronted death metal
band out there.

Due to the pandemic it was difficult as a newcomer to play many shows. Still
the band managed to stick to their vision, released their first album, played few
shows with bands like Bipolar Architecture.

End of summer 2021 the line up was reinforced by berliner old school death metal
veterans Olli (rythm guitar) and No (drums) of SPAWN, what brought quite a shift to
the band's style towards death metal.

For the upcoming studio album "Death obsessed" HUMAN ABYSS teamed up with
the amazing Producer Kai Stahlenberg of the legendary Kohlekeller Studio.
The fantastic Britta Görtz (Cripper, Critical Mess, Hiraes) collaborate (...) Mehr anzeigens on the
first single "Cut". "Death Obsessed" will be released in spring 2024. Weniger anzeigen


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