
Ormu is looking for a flinta guitarist and bassplayer

12099 Berlin

Anzeige von Ormu (Genreless Life-rock, Ormu-style aus Berlin), veröffentlicht am 29. Juli 2023


Rubrik: Band sucht Gitarrist/in
Genre: Rock, Alternative/Independent, Gothic/Wave, Folk/Country, Liedermacher/Chanson
Anspruch: Ambitioniert
Skill: Fortgeschritten, Erfahren, Sehr erfahren
Songmaterial: vorhanden
Proberaum: vorhanden
Kontaktaufnahme Kontaktaufnahme


Me and my piano man is looking for people to join the Ormu project. Ormu is all about healing, rebellion, story telling and rock n roll. It's psychedelic, punky, original and deep.
We basically need two rockstars that are willing to invest time, energy and heart.
Serious project with a bright future, rehearsal once a week but could even b twice a week if we all feel it.
Would b nice to have the kinda connection where we also hang out and jam around outside of rehearsal.
We called ourselves Ormu & The brand new Crew, so yeah.. we're looking for crew members. If you resonate and got the time please hit me up, or if u think of someone that could b the one...Let us know n we will send u some recordings.
With rebellious love, Om x Ormu


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I take what I see and experience and give it back through words and music. It's like healing, there's wisdom in it too. I call it genreless life-rock, as every song needs its own particular soundscape, depending on the story.
I got a very important message and I'm quite certain it could be revolutionary for many people. The songs are very raw, honest, and playful. Right now I'm new in Berlin and looking to establish the band of Ormu. I'm looking for a talented, out of the box thinking female drummer and piano player.
Releasing an EP 12th of November and then we'll make a release show. It's me on vocals, and two dudes on guitar and bass.

Om x Ormu


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