
The Pinpricks

Heavy Indie Rock aus Kiel, seit 2018



Punchy and above all no-frills rock with a fat kick in the ass and without Guns 'n' Roses kitsch!
The Pinpricks are driven by frontwoman Ronja‘s gritty rock voice, which comes on with plenty of punch and fierceness, and which shows that the newcomer heavy indie rock band from Kiel, Germany is ready to face big stages and huge crowds. To date, they have done so in over 100 concerts at the Open Flair Festival, the Kieler Woche, the Local Heroes national finals, with bands like In Flames, Beatsteaks and Bad Religion, as well as the support shows for Thundermother, Capsula and The Brew UK (2022).
A total of 300,000 streams on Spotify in over 1700 playlists and 300,000 plays on Youtube, prove how eagerly awaited the 3rd EP Rituals was. The EP was announced in the biggest German rock magazine Ro (...) Mehr anzeigenck Hard, among others. The debut album is planned for 2022.
The EPs Bait (2020) and Hunger (2018) have been played internationally on radio stations in the UK, Texas, Boston, Denmark, Spain, as well as on German radio stations Rock Antenne Hamburg, Bayern 1, Radio Fritz, Wacken Radio and many more. They have also been introduced in podcasts and interviews in Rock Hard (Germany) as well as in L.A., New York and Chicago among others. Even the print magazine Powerplay from England and the online magazines Rock Era from Egypt and Guitar Stream from Portugal published reviews of the EP Bait.
The press writes: “Ronja Kaminsky seems like a bastard daughter of Janis Joplin and Sheryl Crow, if such were biologically possible. Her grainy vocals and mesmerizing guitar solos turned every song into an instant hit.“
In 2018 their debut EP "Hunger" was released, recorded at Boogie Park Studios Hamburg by Alex Henke, which reached 20,000 streams on Spotify and 50,000 streams on YouTube in no time. “Hunger“ was followed by “Bait“ in March 2020, which has reached 80,000 streams on Spotify to date.
Eight songs with three music videos caught the attention of Helder Martins from Guitar Scream:
“…with crunchy and powerful guitar riffs with room for daydreaming and solos by Ronja, which accompany her just as powerfully and sharply, thereby showing her full ability as a great guitar artist. At the end of listening to this album, we had the feeling that we had a boxing match behind us, had been kicked in the ass and had to relax a little bit...EXCELLENT!“
“If you like punchy and above all no-frills rock with a fat kick in the ass and without Guns ‘n’ Roses kitsch, The Pinpricks are not only an insider tip, but possibly your new favorite band. Full score!“ Weniger anzeigen


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